Chupke Chupke Kahani Main Twist

From bhaiyaa to Saiyaan, name another quickest transition, we’ll wait.

Trying to work on this new relationship that was bestowed over them by their families, both Faaz and Meenu are willing to give it a shot. Now that the ustad and shagird have gotten Nikkafied, the little advances they’re making to make it work are giving us all the feels we’re craving for. From holding hands to little hugs to the romantic one-liner, their love story is warming our hearts and soul. The way Faaz protected Meenu against the harassers, to him calling her Mrs. and love confessions were definitely the highlights of the previous few episodes.

They say ‘If you want something with all your heart, the universe conspires to help you achieve it, but the residents of both Nawab households begs to differ. Contrary to this, they are constantly trying to break the relationship which came into existence because of their own decision. The first to add fuel to fire had to be Gul Aapa, after manipulating her grandmother into a fight with Naik-bakht, she announces openly that this wedding can’t proceed, but is reprimanded by her uncle who so far is just a voice on a call. His orders are clear and leave Gul no choice but to take her words back and go make peace with the enemies.

If only that worked because now Meenu’s grandma is adamant to break it off, again bringing both families against each other in the worst way possible. We’re almost certain that ‘larka larkiraazi to kya karega Qaazi’ is a myth. That knock off Waheed Murad look was absolute gold.

Despite all this, the new couple is growing strong by every minute, so much that they are non-seriously planning to run away. Their bad luck is that Mirchi has heard this and we all know that’s a recipe for disaster.

Hadi and Mishi’s ship has officially set to sail and both confessed to their love for each other, it is a treat for Hashi fans to see their lovey-dovey exchanges which turn our hearts into complete mush. But the trouble in paradise has already started as the voice on the call known as ‘barey abba’ recommended a proposal of his granddaughter Natasha, for Hadi which his family accepted in an instance. With the current tension in the house, he is unable to let his family know about their relationship. Meanwhile, Mishi is upset with him for not taking a set and all of this is creating a strain making them fight constantly. It is also affecting Hadi’s judgments resulting in him being harsh with Faaz and doubting his intentions with his sister.

A new character has also made his appearance and it’s none other than Mani playing Mani. Riding on the son-in-law privilege he’s the new inhabitant of Nawab villa. Being the exact opposite of Maskeen’s down-to-earth personality, both are constantly bickering like two lions in a den making the house a war zone.

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