Chupke Chupke Review

This latest HUM TV venture is succeeding and is welcomed by drama lovers nationwide. Let’s just say, there’s never a dull moment when it comes to the residents of Nawab Villa and Nawab house.

Previously, we witnessed Hadi’s happiness going sky high after his marriage gets fixed with a Canadian girl and Mishi’s devastation.

A family has come to see Faaz for their daughter and they mention they’re looking for a nice girl for their son too. Upon hearing this, an idea pops into Gul Aapa’s head and she is adamant to fix their son with Mishi, but they accidentally stumble upon Meenu. Taking a liking for Meenu’s childish behavior, they immediately ask her family to marry her with their younger son.

While the family is hesitant due to her young age and ongoing studies, Meenu is on the seventh sky and couldn’t care less about it. After all, “degree degree hoti hai, asli ho ya nakli’. If you know, you know. The family eventually gives in and accepts the proposal. On the other hand, Faaz’s marriage is also fixed.

Preparations for Hadi’s online Nikkah also begin, and so do the celebrations. Amidst all this, Hadi gets a call from his wife to be that their Nikkah can’t happen because she wants to marry someone else. Hadi is heartbroken, and the family is also sad by her confession, but if someone is happy about it, it’s definitely Mishi.

Turns out Hadi is actually not as heartbroken as expected and is finally catching on to the signals that Mishi is now sending out to him, and not so subtly we might add. The CBA fans are thrilled to see their favorite YouTuber’s love story finally starting, and Aymen’s fans are nowhere behind. Their demand for justice, as we’ve witnessed on social media platforms, is finally heard. 

But is it really the beginning of their love story? Mishi’s marriage is also being fixed in the same family, and her romance is already ceasing to exist before it even started.

A twist in the story occurs when Meenu’s mother-in-law and her to-be husband come to their house unannounced and see her playing immaturely. Meenu overhears the mother and son’s conversation in which he voices his disliking of her personality and her being the opposite of his expectations. Meenu is feeling unsettled and is concerned they might say no to the wedding.

Though Faaz is happy to find an intellectual, decent, and ambitious girl, the ride isn’t smooth for him either. His sisters are against the idea of them seeing each other before the marriage and create a fuss about it to the point of urging him to break off the wedding. Faazi eventually convinces them by agreeing not to meet until they get married, but continue meeting her anyway and ask his best friend Hadi to cover for him while he takes her shopping where his family is already present. What will happen to him once he gets caught red-handed will be interesting to see. 

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