Supriya Chavan – Lead Dancer & Choreographer, London

Dance Work Review

Date: 20 May 2022

Shiamak London’s lead instructor and choreographer Supriya Chavan shows how to inspire dancers and encourage artists and creators to develop their artistic choices and art-making process, hence helping them create identity and careers for themselves and inspire further many, writes Ritika Sharma.

Pic: Supriya Chavan mastering Indo Contemporary dance form at Shiamak London Winter Funk, 2021.

There were times when rich South Asian culture mixed dance forms were contained to only limited demographics, due to many social and regional factors. Irrespective of how much ever cultural advancements the United Kingdom has unfolded and the integration of world-class cultures the United Kingdom welcomed, the above said concern was still a luxury for the diverse culture we here in the UK embrace and live with. Shiamak London was one of the front runners in addressing the gap by institutionalizing world-class dance education across London and in Midlands, UK.  Along with providing a platform for teaching dance aspirants to learn the essence of dance and performing with leaders, the company also drives major international dance and event shows, in glorifying south Asian and Indian art heritage.

That said, it would make no sense to divulge the artistic superintendence of Ms Chavan, especially the expert finesse she is carrying forward here in the UK. A global dance inspiration, she turned the heads of art lovers towards her, through her international dance performances and attributions with outrageous fashion and unmatchable energy, while retaining the technical virtuosity, poise and precision of her edification.

 Pic: Supriya Chavan captured during Asian Culture Carnival China, 2019

If performing on an international platform can be tagged as an achievement for a world-class dancer, performing in front of one of the biggest and strongest countries’ presidents, Mr Xi Jinping, The President of China is truly exhilarating. The event ‘Asian Culture Carnival’ includes performances that represent Indian culture and a themed Celebration of Youth. Although the event was characterized by multiple performances, what Ms Chavan and the team showcased was the standout performance. The performance was outstanding as it was enriched with Indian culture. Traditional and spectacular elements of the Indian culture informed Ms Chavan’s approach. The performance manages to embody the sound and zeal of Indian culture (CCTV Video News Agency, 2019). It was not only relatable but remarkable. The use of bright and contrasting colours was prevalent throughout Ms Chavan’s performance. Colour is a definitive feature of the Indian culture, which Ms Chavan emulates and uses in the performance. The dancers that accompanied Ms Chavan’s performance moved with agility. Their patterns were perfect, and the movements were synchronized. The art form leaves the viewer with the unshakable feeling that the celebration of youth in fulfilling their dreams continues eternally. Overall, it was a breath-taking and exhilarating performance that was appealing to watch.

 Pic: Dance exhibition by Supriya Chavan at Diwali in London’Trafalgar Square, United Kingdom, 2021.

Continuing the artistic expedition across the globe, Ms Chavan moved to London, choreographing and institutionally leading 200+ of her dance students. Out of many cultural shows, she lead from the front, worth mentioning is performing for ‘Diwali in London 2021’, the event hosted in the United Kingdom to commemorate the Indian culture by celebrating Diwali, an event in the partnership with the Mayor of London. Ms Chavan and her team exhibited a couple of performances. There was no similarity, and everything happened in bright colours, an attempt to consciously create a spectacle on and off stage to carry it further. The performances were choreographed dances that featured dancers who move with agility to the pre-developed routine. The dance is at Hyde Park, and the dancers demonstrate the ability to travel farther and cover most ground which is characteristic of Indian culture and dance. The choreographed dance also features dramatic body movements of the arms, head, and entire body (Diwali on Trafalgar Square, 2021). The rich use of colour makes the performance intriguing and exhilarating. The dancers spin in circles, and their movements are synchronized. This is an illustration of their expertise and effectiveness. Their bodies are also crouched, coupled with twists. They also used imitative gestures, which allowed adding to the dance routine. It is fair and worth noting that this dance was outstanding and appealing.

Ms Chavan’s work through Shiamak Davar International India is mainly exhibited live amongst thousands of viewers and on live TV, spilling out the exhibition into the air. There are so many, in fact, that it’s possible to miss the rarest gems, but the biggest ones speak for themselves, and when they do it looks spectacular. Her work engaged Indian film and art superstars, exhibiting dance performances along with them. Ms Chavan has charged a series of Indian film International events through her dances, such as IIFA, IPL, etc,  

One of the performances was at IIFA, Spain. It features a Chavan’s choreographed performance by Shilpa Shetty. In the event, Shilpa Shetty is centred in the middle of the dance group and acts as the lead. Ms Chavan and others complement and contribute to the choreographed dance. There is the incorporation of the head, neck, and body movements (Anupam Bhatwadekar, 2017). These movements are also coupled with footwork and mudras. Each of these dances is integral to the success of the entire performance. The movement was synchronized, and each dancer was adequately positioned to succeed in projecting a well-coordinated performance. The mudras and full-body movements are also emulated by Supriya Chavan (Anupam Bhatwadekar, 2017). The Bollywood dance style was outstanding based on the expertise exhibited.

 Pic: Supriya Chavan performing with her team with Hrithik Roshan‘IIFA’ Malaysia, 2015.

Another stellar performance is the dance by Hrithik Roshan along with Ms Chavan and the team. The performance was during IIFA, Malaysia. The dance is characterized by an application of multiple forms of mudras. They help to relate the meanings that resonate with aspects of the Indian culture. This performance strongly resembles traditional Indian dance styles of jahava and sthirathwam. The dancer showed strong body agility, indicating expertise in the performance presentation (IIFA, 2015). Sthirathwam was also attained. The performance managed to illustrate expert body movement and mastery of the dance.

 Pic: Supriya Chavan performing with her team with Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor ‘IIFA’ Spain, 2016.

Some shows tell Ms Chavan’s story through her dance collaborations:  Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor – dance performances at film events hosted in India. Performances were exceptional as they illustrate the ability to master their craft and showcase their understanding of the graceful movement and intelligence. The eye movement that the dancer’s showcase illustrates that they have command of the stage. It also illustrates their expertise and ability to move with grace. Finally, the performance was characterized by perfect circular movement.  The movement is intelligent, and the ability to apply the choreographed style showcases their mastery.

Conclusively, Ms Chavan’s dance performances and artistic drive are evidently outstanding. She exhibits finesse. Her body movement and command of the dances are commendable. It is an indication of her mastery. It also highlights her commitment and dedication to accurately and vehemently representing her culture. There are many takeaways from her performance, although the key point is that she is a master of her craft and her performances are enjoyable to watch.

These leaders are the ones who have taken the challenges of a relentless year head-on. They represent the opportunity for the growth of our country. They are inspirations, who have paved the way for a better tomorrow. We feel gratified to recognise the astonishing work that Supriya has put in, and that has been the game-changer.

CCTV Video News Agency. (2019, May 15). LIVE Asian Culture Carnival Celebration.

Dhamma Records. (2021, November 19). Ghar Aa – Orchestral Qawwali | Rushil | Abi Sampa| Amrit Duffer.

Diwali on Trafalgar Square. (2021). Diwali In London Committee wishes you ALL a very Happy and Healthy Diwali.

Anupam Bhatwadekar. (2017, February 24). Shilpa Shetty’s Sizzling performance.

IIFA. (2015, July 9). Showing Hrithik Roshan in ceremony iifa 2015.

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