Everybody wants to be the best at what they do and nobody wants to fail. It’s all about your attitude to a situation that catapults you to success. It is always helpful too when there is someone cheering you on. That’s the essence of King Richard. A true story about a father’s quest to make his daughters the best on the tennis courts and prove those who try to put his family (and himself) down. 

Will Smith steps into the shoes of Richard Williams in such a way that we get a essence of the man himself. Headstrong, resilient and straight-forward. The way that Smith shows a duality between vulnerability and strength is seamless and is only further heightened by the determination to make his daughters the stars that they are. It’s refreshing to see Will in a role like this because even though we are familiar and used to seeing him in light-hearted roles, a role like this truly brings out he actor that we know he is. 

Even though the film is about Richard Williams, the two young daughters shine. Sanniya Sidney and Demi Singleton portray Venus and Serena with such realism that we can imagine that this is what the sisters were like. Aujanue Ellis is a force Richard’s wife who isnr afraid to say what she thinks when she’s pushed. 

Reinaldo Marcus Green direction is executed in such a way that showcases the struggle that Richard goes through and uses to motivate his daughters to greatness. A story that is meant to be told in a such a way that it doesn’t need exaggeration.  

King Richard definitely leaves you motivated yourself and makes you not only want to do better, but be better.

“King Richard” is releasing in UK cinemas from 19th November 2021.

Natasha Kundi

Natasha Kundi is a freelance entertainment writer and a lifestyle blogger who has featured in Express Tribune Pakistan, BBC Urdu and Tatler Magazine.

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