Production images are released today of the The Father and The Assassin, a gripping new play by Anupama Chandrasekhar, one of India’s most exciting playwrights, directed by Indhu Rubasingham which opens to press in the Olivier Theatre on Thursday 19 May. 

The play traces Nathuram Godse’s life over 30 years during India’s fight for independence: from devout follower of Mahatma Gandhi, through to his radicalisation and their tragic final encounter. Shubham Saraf is cast as Godse alongside Paul Bazely as Gandhi. 

The company also includes: Sagar Arya, Ankur Bahl, Ralph Birtwell, Ayesha Dharker, Marc Elliott, Ravin J Ganatra, Dinita Gohil, Halema Hussain, Irvine Iqbal, Nadeem Islam, Tony Jayawardena, Sakuntala Ramanee, Anish Roy, Sid Sagar, Shubham Saraf, Akshay Shah, Peter Singh and Maanuv Thiara

Set and costume design is by Rajha Shakiry, lighting design is by Oliver Fenwick and sound design is by Alex Caplen. Movement director is Lucy Cullingford, music composed by Siddhartha Khosla, music director is David Shrubsole, sound designer is Alexander Caplen, fight director is Ruth Cooper-Brown of Rc-Annie Ltd, and dialect coach is Shereen Ibrahim. Staff Director is Gitika Buttoo

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Ayesha Kundi

Ayesha is a content creator, writer, artist, photographer and blogger. With a degree in Fashion Design from the Herriot-Watt University, she loves all things quirky. Ayesha loves visiting Paris, eating Turkish cuisine and all things makeup! Being an avid follower of Pakistani artists and media, Ayesha divides her time between interviewing celebrities and working in Transport.

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