What does it mean to be a soldier? Have you ever pondered on the question? Of course, when everyone thinks of the word ‘soldier’, they think ‘brave’, ‘strong and even ‘ruthless’. However, in Shashi Kiran Tikka’s Major, we see a story of a soldier from a different perspective. And thus, we truly understand what a soldier really means. 

Sandeep Unnikrishnan (Adivi Sesh) has always felt protective. He knows what it’s like being scared, but that doesn’t stop him from achieving what he wants to and doing whatever it takes to achieve it. From a young age, he has had a fascination with the soldier uniform and since then, he forges himself to become one himself. But during the way, Sandeep has to face a lot and understand what the uniform he wears really means.  

Adivi Sesh fits into the role of Sandeep Unnikrishnan with such finesse that you forget that he is acting. His transformation from a simple boy to a strong soldier is incredible. The action sequences makes your heart race till the end and the narrative has a sense of patriotism to it; it makes you feel proud be an Indian. 

Major is a strong film about what one man will do to fight for his country and shows his courage to do so from beginning to end. 

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